Child pornography charges can have a lifelong impact on you and your family. Because the consequences of these charges are so severe, estranged loved ones, former employees, and even complete strangers can level them against someone they do not like. As a result, you may find yourself accused of consuming, distributing, or producing child pornography, even if you have no relationship to the product.
In these kinds of situations, you deserve comprehensive representation. A Toledo child pornography lawyer could give you that representation. You can bring your case to a trustworthy defense attorney and benefit from their reliable legal counsel.
Child Pornography Charges in Toledo
Individuals in Toledo, Ohio can face child pornography charges for reasons beyond the consumption of such material. According to Ohio Revised Code § 2907.321, residents may also find themselves in court for child pornography if they are accused of possessing, distributing, producing, manufacturing, or transporting these materials.
Even individuals who are accused of offering sexually explicit materials to a minor may face the same consequences as those who allegedly have that material in their possession. This includes physically offering explicit materials to a minor, but it can also include “sexting” or sending explicit digital content to a minor.
For a free legal consultation with a child pornography lawyer serving Toledo, call (419) 930-3030
The Consequences for a Child Pornography Conviction
The consequences tied to child pornography charges vary from fourth-degree to second-degree felonies. Fourth-degree felonies can see a person face eighteen months of prison time in addition to a $5,000 fine. Individuals facing third-degree felony charges can face up to five years of prison time and fines of $10,000. Finally, second-degree felonies are the most severe type, with convictions resulting in eight years of prison time and a maximum of $15,000 in fines.
Prosecutors who bring charges related to child pornography must prove, with reasonable evidence, that the target of their charges violated Ohio state law. They may also request more severe penalties in circumstances where the accused person allegedly enacted violation, exploitation, harm, or sexual abuse against the minor in question. A person’s criminal history may also impact the severity of the penalties that they face in court. A person should consult a child pornography attorney in Toledo instead of trying to handle a case alone.
Criminal Defense Lawyer Near Me (419) 930-3030
What Is the Best Defense Against a Child Pornography Charge?
The parties who make child pornography charges against someone do not always have the best intentions at heart. Some may wish to separate a person from their children, while others may be seeking revenge for something that happened in the past.
In these cases, it is best to turn to a Toledo child pornography attorney, who could help the accused avoid a sex offense conviction and the consequences that follow even after getting out of prison. Parties can choose to keep a case out of a court with the help of a mediator and an affiliated settlement. Alternatively, a defense lawyer could work with a team of experts to bring reasonable doubt into the case or explain how the relevant action was not a violation of the law.
At the end of the day, our team strives to reduce or eliminate the charges leveled against the accused. While these accusations should be taken seriously, there are numerous situations where a person may have come into possession of it unknowingly, or the material in question does not rise to the level of pornography. It is the job of a lawyer to identify when these situations exist.
Discuss Your Legal Options with a Toledo Child Pornography Attorney
Accusations of harboring, producing, transporting, and consuming child pornography are serious. If you are convicted of having some manner of relationship to the material at the center of the case, you may find yourself facing prison time, significant fines, and a criminal record that impacts your social and professional relationships for the rest of your life.
If you find yourself facing child pornography accusations, call on an attorney as soon as possible. A Toledo child pornography lawyer could assess the severity of your charges and work to defend you, both in court and outside of it. Reach out today to schedule a case consultation.
Call or text (419) 930-3030 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form