Groth & Associates is proud to announce A’niya Lindsey as the recipient of the inaugural Survivors Speak: Moving Forward Through Hardship Scholarship. A’niya, a criminal justice major with a minor in psychology at Xavier University, was selected for her powerful story of perseverance and her dedication to creating positive change. Her application reflected a profound …
Can I Be Charged with Assault if the Person Was Not Hurt?
The short answer is yes; you could be charged with assault even if the alleged victim did not suffer any harm. However, it could be difficult, but not impossible, for a prosecutor to prove an assault if the alleged victim did not have a physical injury. Attempted Harm is an Assault Ohio Revised Statute § …
Pedestrian Accidents in Ohio: Who is Liable?
After a devastating pedestrian accident, it is critical for injured pedestrians to seek financial compensation for their losses by filing an insurance claim or a lawsuit against the at-fault party. Yet determining liability in a pedestrian accident can be complicated. Who is at fault, and who can be sued for damages in a pedestrian collision? …
Filing for Bankruptcy in Ohio During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Filing for consumer bankruptcy under any circumstances is a complicated task. To be sure, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code is extremely complicated, and both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases require significant documentation and specific filing requirements. Accordingly, even in the best circumstances, it is critical to have an experienced Ohio consumer bankruptcy lawyer on …
Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
There are many different kinds of bankruptcy, each with a different purpose: Chapter 11 for individuals or corporations with high debt, Chapter 12 for family farmers and fishermen, Chapter 9 for municipalities, and so forth. However, for most people, the choice when considering bankruptcy is whether to choose a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13. …
Medical Professional of the Month
Groth & Associates Healthcare Provider of the Month Award At Groth & Associates, we love and appreciate the wonderful men and women that serve in our healthcare industry. We want to recognize and highlight medical professionals who are dedicated to providing exceptional care and service. If you know a medical professional that fits this description, …
Deaths from Car Accidents in Toledo
Car accidents are a leading cause of death both nationally and locally. To be sure, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that every year throughout the United States, more than 32,000 people are killed, and more than two million are injured, in motor vehicle crashes. Data published by the Ohio State Highway …
Rear-End Car Accidents in Toledo
Many if not most Ohio drivers have experienced a minor “fender bender” sometime in their lives. In the best case scenario, these types of rear-end car accidents only result in a minor vehicle damage and no personal injuries. Unfortunately, far too many accidents do not represent the best case scenario. According to figures published by …